Category Archives: Projects

Women Development (free training)

We conducted free training  to support women entrepreneurial development and incubation of  new businesses. We brought in experts from the industry     

Eye Camp

We organised eye camp after we got to know there is a need for eye treatment for more than 25 senior citizen, through one of our volunteer . We arranged senior eye specialists, and also managed to arrange for advanced treatment like cataract, minor surgeries and spectacles for needed ones. We end up providing free… Read More »

Free Vehicle for students

The school students in Padur village had a challenge in reaching school due to distance between their residence and school campus, unfortunately bad roads added the challenge. we attempted to solve the problem by arranging for a free pick and drop between home and school twice a day . The vehicles were donated by our… Read More »

Free Hydration booth

From 27-3- 2010 to  27-6-2010 Hot summer time in chennai , a city located in south india is a challenge for people who get exposed hot sun between 10 am to 5 pm IST. After observing the people affected by dehydration and fainting incidents, MaNO Trust ( Maattrathai Nokki) members and volunteers identified three hot… Read More »

Fight Dengue

In MaNo Trust we understood the impact of the sanity and hygiene well before the impact of infections reach the ground  We started our campaign and distribution of free extract of Andrographis paniculata ( நிலவேம்பு கஷாயம்) across our village. We did a rigorous camps to clean up the village, create awareness using the mic by going into every… Read More »